It is as simple as clicking a button to conduct business. Users can shop for anything they want online, but with this convenient method of shopping comes the responsibility of a company to protect its customers. With banking and credit card information passing through the web portal, businesses must ensure that their information is secure with a trusted SSL Certificate.
Many cyber hackers are not picky about who they target. They can create a masked email that appears to be from a trusted source. The majority of these emails contain a link for the victim to click on, which takes them to a site that appears trustworthy. This email informs the reader that his or her account has been compromised and that in order to rectify the situation, the reader must click on the link contained in the email. When the reader clicks on the link, he or she is taken to a website that looks exactly like the one of the financial institute. To confirm the account, the site asks the reader to enter banking information. When this is done, cyber hackers have all the information they need to seriously compromise a reader’s account. What the reader may not have noticed was that the site did not have an SSL certificate, or that the website’s web address did not match the financial institution’s web address.
Consumers can learn more about the website they are visiting by using a Secure Socket Layer, also known as an SSL Certificate. They can look to see who owns the site and who issued the certificate, as well as the location of the certificate. Despite advances in technology to help protect consumers and businesses, hackers continue to find ways to circumvent these security measures. Many people have begun to purchase SSL certificates for their own websites in order to make them appear secure.
The commerce world has created an Extended Validation or EV SSL Certificate to up their game. An EV SSL simply adds a layer of trust for the customer and protection for the business. When a visitor visits a site that has an EV SSL Certificate, he or she will notice a lock and a green address bar or a green lock indicating that the site is safe and secure.
Companies offering SSL certificates
SSL Certificates are available from a variety of companies. Symantec is the most well-known company, and Comodo is another well-known company. Both of these certificate authorities are widely regarded as the top internet security providers. Because there are numerous companies that provide SSL Certificate protection, a company must decide which is more valuable when comparing prices: saving money or providing a customer with a secure feeling by providing a familiar SSL certificate mark.
It is unsurprising that as the use of e-commerce grows, so does the occurrence of online robbery. To protect online shoppers, any business, large or small, should always invest in a trusted SSL Certificate like the comodo ssl certificate. In the same way, when providing even the most insignificant piece of information to a website, consumers should educate themselves on the risks of doing business online.