OthersWhat are Pouches and How Do You Use Them?

What are Pouches and How Do You Use Them?

In recent years, nicotine pouches have become very popular. But what are they? Similar to snus, nicotine pouches offer an alternative way to smoking for you to get a nicotine buzz. The big difference is that they do not contain any tobacco. Instead, nicotine pouches are packed with plant fibres, sweeteners, flavourings and nicotine extract to give users a great experience. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about nicotine pouches before you use them.

Nicotine pouch flavours

These tobacco-free pouches come in a wide array of flavours. The most common options are mint flavours including peppermint, spearmint and wintergreen. These flavours offer a cooling, refreshing taste that can counteract the strong heat or buzz of the nicotine hit from the pouch. But these aren’t the only flavours. There are also a myriad of different fruit flavours to enjoy as well. These include mixed berries, citrus and apple. You can also find exotic fruit flavours such as mango, kiwi and watermelon.

Finally, you can also find more traditional flavours giving a tobacco taste, even though there is no tobacco inside. These include bergamot and cinnamon. For unusual flavour profiles, keep an eye out for coffee and get that flavour along with your buzz.

Strengths of nic pouches

Importantly, there are a variety of different strengths when it comes to these all white nicotine portions. Choosing the right strength is essential for your enjoyment, so we’re going to look at the different options here.

First, there are mild pouches. These typically have a nicotine strength of 2 mg to 4 mg of nicotine per pouch. Best for new users, or those who have no tolerance, these offer a mild buzz that can last for up to 15 minutes. For a medium hit, there are pouches with a strength of 5 to 6 mg per pouch.

Users who like nicotine pouches that are stronger, can look for those with a strength of 8 to 11 mg per portion. Finally, very experienced users, or those who are looking for a very strong kick, should look for extra strong pouches that contain 12 to 18 mg of nicotine in each pouch.

Using nicotine pouches

Once you’ve chosen your flavour and strength, it’s time to actually pop a pouch in under the lip. The process of doing so is very simple. Take a pouch out of the can and flatten it gently before placing it under your top lip to one side. You can also place it under the bottom lip if you prefer. These pouches are small and malleable, designed to fit snugly and discreetly.

With the pouch under your lip, you will feel a gentle tingle as the nicotine and flavour are released and begin to be absorbed through the thin membranes of your gum and lip. This typically only lasts around 15 minutes before you get used to it.

Pouches can be left in the mouth for up to 45 minutes. The length of time you leave a pouch depends on how new a user you are, and how strong you want your buzz to be. Once you have finished with the pouch, take it out and dispose of it with regular waste. The pouches themselves are not recyclable, but the cans they come in are.

What to consider when picking a nicotine pouch

If you’re new to nicotine pouches, then here are a few tips for choosing which pouch is good for you. First, if you’re a new user, we recommend starting with a mild strength. You should then slowly work your way to higher strengths. It’s best not to go for the strongest first as you will feel the burn. You can also consider the size of the pouch. There are mini, slim and regular sizes — regular is the largest while mini is the most discreet.

It’s also a good idea to consider the length of time you want to keep the pouch under your lip. If you enjoy a gentle buzz and flavour then you can keep a pouch in for longer. However, if you want a continuously strong hit of flavour and nicotine while the pouch is in place, then you’ll need to consider replacing your pouch after 15 minutes. However, avoid having a pouch constantly in the mouth as you’ll build up a nicotine tolerance and require a higher strength to reach the right buzz.

At the end of the day, there are many nicotine pouch options for you to choose from. You’re sure to find something that appeals.