Many women all across this great country of ours in America constantly complain that they have nothing to wear when it comes to dressing up for important occasions. The thing about these same individuals is that if you walk into their bedroom, you would see 2 to 3 wardrobes full of nothing to wear and this is typical all across the country. People buy clothes just because they were in the sale and they look good on that particular day but then they are hung in the wardrobe never to be worn at all. For the other pieces of clothing, are worn only once and then pushed to the back like all the rest.
This is why you need to make smarter purchasing decisions when it comes to the clothes that you want to wear for particularly important occasions in a social and business capacity. It would make more sense to spend your money on maybe two or three festival outfits that you know will be appropriate for any occasion and these are items of clothing that you can wear again and again. This is just one excellent tip when it comes to your current wardrobe choices here in the US and the following are some more.
- Don’t purchase for one occasion – Many women just purchase clothing for one particular occasion without thinking about how they could wear this same item for other events. You need to change your mindset when it comes to shopping for important occasions and look at clothing that’s perfect for that particular evening but it needs to be something that you can wear for other events as well. You need to stop the practice of buying something, wearing it only once and then hanging it up in your wardrobe never to be worn again.
- Stay away from sales items – This is a marketing ploy and just because the clothes store in question has put a special sale sign in the window, it doesn’t mean that it is actually true. If you take the time to check prices in a particular store and then check them again when a sale is on, you will find that the price has dropped minimally. Your wardrobe is full of clothes that you thought you saved money on when you actually didn’t.
- Start recycling your wardrobe – There is a rule that you should follow and it is when you buy a new item of clothing then another piece of clothing that you already have needs to leave. You could give this dress to one of your best friends who you know will wear it and get great value from it. You could donate this item of clothing to a charity store knowing that you’re doing your bit for poverty and that will make you feel great.
The important thing is to choose clothes not only based on one occasion that is coming up but on the many others that follow.